Friday, October 26, 2007

Search Engine Optimization for High Google Rankings Article

This is a pretty decent article about learning some basic fundamentals of optimized Web sites and how they are affected in search engines. Although this article was written for those wanting to learn about it, it also shows a little bit of what the power of “truth” and “opinion” can play (as the author put it) in an online article.

“Good SEO is a lot more than just having your page title in title tags and your heading in H1 tags… more than just having the correct keyword density,” the author writes. This is true in a global sense that your site title tags is more about information targeted for users to see when they see your site from a search query. Keyword density can be tricky at times, especially if you’re going through it with Google eyes and not other search engines. What keyword density truly means is the weight of your keyword distributed evenly throughout each paragraph and each page of your site. Most people see this as keyword frequency, and how many times a keyword is suggested and linked throughout a particular page or site can be considered keyword spamming and stuffing. Not enough keywords can be considered as another cause of your site being ranked lower than others in your specific market and targeted key phrases. Even with the basics of organic optimization, it’s not an easy thing to do as more people are discovering new ways to be effective online, and this is considering white hat, blue hat, and (gulp) black hat methods and everything else in between.

The author also points out 2 interesting statements that are very poignant and evident in today’s search engine optimization world. First, “Google cares about the service you are providing to Google customers and how relevant the content of your web page is to their needs.” Wow. If you don’t know by now, Google is the preferred search engine to conduct user searches. The author’s statement clearly displays the value that Google has on its business practices and the customers it markets to: the incredible value of its data, its complex algorithms, and its business model. Hence, when Google “punished” all the Web sites with high page ranks that were selling links (possibly through Adsense), it did so to "protect" the investment and quality of its search data and information value, the package (if not one of them) that basically made Google millions. Or at least I think so, and I have heard many different opinions about it.

Secondly, the author mentions the use of internal linking as opposed to external linking (link exchanges, reciprocal link programs). Both link programs have its pros and cons, but using just one and not the other won’t help get your site ranking in weight and relevancy. Why or why not? Because they are both intertwined for the same purpose, and as a united front, if used properly, they can provide long-term content and search engine relevancy. Link exchange/reciprocal linking programs work very well when relevant sites with high page ranks and quality internal and reciprocal links are associated with your site. Similarly, internal linking can work very well when keywords within internal content are rich in weight, are relevant with search phrases and parameters, and with the right frequency and density.

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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Social Media Marketing Strategies

Here is a great read for those of you who either have yet to join the social bookmarks bandwagon or want to understand the social media phenomenon.

Based on WebProNews article about the SMX Social Media conference in New York City, the relevancy of social media in today's online marketing efforts and initiatives is now becoming a necessity in reaching out to your audience and expanding your brand marketing initiatives (not to mention your knowledge about technology!!). Strategic advancements and methods are now more evident in generating value for your company, your business, your product, your services, and most importantly, yourself. Here is what they had to say about these strategies:

1) Fish Where the Fish Are
2) Promote Yourself, Not Your Product
3) Get Experience in Social Media before Marketing
4) Don't Rush Your Social Media Link bait
5) Big Companies Should Create Social Marketing Strategies
6) Give Them What They Are Looking For
7) Watch for the Woahs of Social Media Marketing
8) Don't Dilute the Quality of Your LinkedIn Network
9) Be Careful with Social Media News Sites
10) Play Safe with Wikipedia

The individual articles themselves provide some great insight, but what I really got out of these strategies is what I would coin "cautious progression." To progress cautiously in such marketing mediums, one must be aware of the possibilities and risks, and also to have the necessary knowledge and intellectual ammunition to be able to understand and comprehend the practical applications that these mediums can provide. Sure, social media is a phenomenon that is literally changing the way we conduct marketing and business. Where some have the basketballs to jump in and get fully wet, others have been reluctant to be wet that fast, and becomes the turtle in a Bugs Bunny cartoon race. I can understand the notion of taking baby steps in using technology, and I can see that from someone who has more wisdom in life to just dive into something that they may feel is risky. And in using social mediums as a collective, I can understand and value that timidity and/or hesitancy.

Maybe because I am a Gen-Xer that I embrace the possibilities as I take along the risks, especially when it comes to strategic marketing and business development using online methods. These possibilities and risks plainly exists, for example, in Second Life communities, and more businesses, both big and small, are using this platform as a medium to primarily make a name for themselves in addition to generating revenue. Knowing that there will be forms of risks out in such media is a great thing to have, but it's also great to know and be familiar with that can get you in a bad situation. How to shield yourself, your brand, and your business from being caught in something that you may not be able to get out of is part of doing business, especially when it comes to online marketing.

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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Future of Online Marketing...

I recently asked my colleagues in LinkedIn about where they see online marketing headed within the next 1, 3 and 5 years. I have received some amazing responses about the technological advancements we use today, and the mixture, collaboration, and evolving of other surfacing technologies that could be a major contributor to the increasing development of online marketing.

“What is online marketing,” one rhetorically asked. Another question can be stated like this: “What was online marketing?” Back then, online marketing can be collectively described as just simply having a web site. Nowadays, there are more ammunition and weapons to deliver a marketing scheme online, and all you have to do is pick your poison. Choose between social media and networking sites, 3D virtual worlds and online and game console marketing, search engine marketing and optimization, user-generated content sites, and a plethora of marketing techniques that I don’t even have room to mention. And that’s just what we have NOW. This doesn’t even take into consideration using “traditional” online marketing delivery mediums like email marketing and offline mediums like guerilla marketing, WOM and TV to generate results online.

How can we use the knowledge of past online marketing experiences to influence the future?

Each business sector and industry is different, thus it can be difficult to fully assess how to qualify and quantify methods to increase ROI. However, I believe that there is no reason why we cannot use a multitude of online marketing techniques simultaneously, as this promotes a strong foundational front for strategic and compound business development. For example, if we use today’s guerilla marketing approach, we can combine WOM tactics with email/viral marketing initiatives while implementing search engine optimization and marketing methods for our web sites, and simultaneously generating content in blogs, Myspace and LinkedIn accounts and other social networking sites. And as new media and marketing methods shift parameters and focus, I believe that we will still see a multitude of online marketing schemes being more targeted and more robust, as we develop better ways (with help of better technology) to communicate effectively and efficiently with our customers and users.

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